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March 4 Regular Monthly Meeting Summary


  • Commissioner Kevin Deeley provided an update on the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development’s (DMPED) request for qualifications related to the redevelopment of the Franklin School. After having formally canceled ICE-DC’s bid to redevelop the building, DMPED pushed back the solicitation due date for new bids to May 4 so that two additional tours of the property could be conducted.
  • Commissioner John Fanning shared that El Sauce restaurant at 1227 11th St, NW lost its alcohol license and was closed. El Sauce had been a source of community concern and complaints because of repeated noise and disturbance issues.
  • Commissioner Pepin Tuma shared that the National Park Service placed new park rules signs in Logan Circle, including signs along the innermost fence prohibiting pets in the statue circle.

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  • Sherri Kimbel of Councilmember Jack Evans’ office shared four announcements: 1) March 5 will be declared a snow emergency day; 2) street sweeping will commence next week; 3) Evans’ office continues to request DDOT pothole repair in Ward 2; 4) and Commander Jacob Kishter was recently named MPD Commander of the Year.
  • Commissioner John Fanning shared three updates from the Executive Office of the Mayor: 1) a one-page “Facts on Marijuana in DC” infographic released by the Bowser administration; 2) Bowser named Gregory Dean, former Fire Chief for Seattle, as the new Chief for the DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department; 3) Ward Core teams consisting of representatives from numerous DC government agencies have recently begun touring neighborhoods to identify issues and service needs.
  • Sgt. Sgt. Terestre provided the monthly crime report. In lieu of providing statistics, Terestre noted that total violent crime has remained the same last month over the same period in 2014, but thefts were higher.
  • Commissioner Tuma solicited community comment on the pending Exelon acquisition of PEPCO. Tuma noted that New Jersey and Virginia had approved the merger, while alluding to concerns about the merger in Maryland and the District. Tuma shared that March 18 was the end of the public comment period to Exelon, and that the public comment period to the D.C. Public Service Commission would end sometime in April.
  • Mr. Ron Dennis of Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church at 1306-1308 Vermont Ave, NW asked the Commission for a letter supporting the church’s application for a DC Preservation League “Brick and Mortar” matching grant to cover the cost of repointing the historic building. The Commission referred the matter to the CDC for consideration at its March meeting.


  • Commissioner Kate Gordon, Chair of the APC, moved for and received adoption of the February 11 APC meeting report by unanimous consent. The report included the APC’s recommendation to enter into a Settlement Agreement (SA) with TG Cigars (1188 9th St, NW), and to protest the new ABRA license request for for Mercadito (901 Massachusetts Ave, NW) until such time that the Applicant reaches a SA with ANC 2F.
  • As a procedural measure, the Commission also voted unanimously (7-0) to protest the ABRA license applications for Chao Ku (1414 9th St, NW) and The Dabney (1216-1226 9th St, NW), since the petition date for both applications falls before the next full ANC meeting. The Commission acted to preserve its standing on both matters in case it is unable to reach an SA with each Applicant.


  • Commissioner Deeley, Chair of the CDC, moved for and received adoption of the February 25 CDC meeting report by unanimous consent. The report included the CDC’s recommendations to: 1) support the HPRB concept, design, and massing approval for 920 N St, NW (Blagden Alley) with the provision that the Developer work with HPO to select a different brick color; 2) support the DDOT public space application at 1427-1429 Rhode Island Ave, NW to maintain an existing curb cut ; 3) support the DDOT public space application for a sidewalk café at 1333 14th St, NW (Slipstream Café), and; 4) support the BZA variance requests at 1413 Q St, NW( lot occupancy, minimum side yard setback, and non-conforming structure) needed to allow for a third story addition to the residence.
  • As a separate business item, Deeley invited the Applicant for 1337 11th St, NW to present updated plans to the Commission related to a DDOT public space application. Deeley explained that the CDC voted against the Applicant’s initial request and instead supported a public space application for a reduced area. Subsequent to the CDC’s vote, the Applicant presented a counterproposal with more green space than the CDC’s recommendation but a slightly different configuration in order to comply with fire code. Deeley felt the proposal was in the spirit of the CDC’s recommendation, and as such moved for and received the Commission’s support (7-0) of the application.


  • No update.


  • Commissioner Tuma, Chair of the Ed Committee, encouraged community members to consider filling vacancies on the Ed Committee.
  • Tuma shared that the Ed Committee had recently joined with ANC 2B to meet with the Dept. of General Services and the Deputy Mayor of Education about the fate of Garrison Elementary re-modernization, and learned that a final decision was still pending. Tuma also shared that a request had been extended to the Deputy Mayor of Education to meet with the Garrison Elementary PTO about the issue.


  • The Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to send a letter to DCRA requesting that the agency give “special attention” to review of the rooming situation and potential permitting/license violations at 1517 12th St, NW, given neighbor concerns about improper rental of interior spaces in the group home residence.

*Please note that this meeting summary is provided by ANC 2F as a courtesy for individuals who were not able to attend the Regular Monthly Public Meeting. The information contained here within is not an exhaustive summary nor does it constitute official meeting minutes. The above information may not be referenced in any official business matter related to the Commission. Please see the “Minutes” page of the ANC 2F blog for official meeting business.