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March 2: ANC2F Monthly Meeting PRELIM AGENDA

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DATE: Wednesday March 2, 7:00 PM 

CHAIR: Commissioner Sherene Joseph

Meeting via Zoom (please check end of post for dial-in information)                                                                                                                                                             



Community Forum

Commissioner Announcements                                                                         7:00 PM

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Report from Metropolitan Police Department                                                7:10 PM

  • Third District, Sector Three, Lieutenant Stephen Miller: Stephenm.miller@DC.GOV

Report from District Council Ward 2 Office with CM Brooke Pinto               7:25 PM

  • Contact via Ella Hanson, Legislative and Community Coordinator: ehanson@DCCOUNCIL.US 

Report from ABRA with Sarah Fashbaugh                                                         7:45 PM

Report from Redistricting Taskforce with Austin Naughton                           7:55 PM

Report from Executive Office of the Mayor with Anna Noakes                        8:05 PM

  • Ward 2 Liaison, Anna Noakes: anna.noakes@DC.GOV

Community Announcements                                                                              8:15 PM

  • Residents & organizations based in ANC 2F are welcome to give announcements during this portion. Please hit the “Raise your hand” function on Zoom to be recognized by the Chair or write out your announcement in the chat box.


Consent Agenda                                                                                                      8:25 PM

Approval of Agenda    

Approval of February Meeting Minutes

Treasurer’s Report: Expenses

  • $1278.81 for Executive Director’s Salary

Amendment to Settlement Agreement for Climax Lounge to Reflect Later Operating Hours 

Committee Reports

Public Space and Transportation Committee (PSTC) Report                        8:30 PM

Letter to Events DC asking the Convention Center to Monitor and Maintain Expansion Joint Safety Measures

  • Part 1: Committee Chair will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
  • Part 2: Community questions and comments are permitted.
  • Part 3: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
  • Part 4: Motion is voted on by Commissioners.

Letter to Council for Three Pending Bills: Safe Routes to School Expansion Regulation Amendment Act, Walk Without Worry Amendment Act, Metro for DC

  • Part 1: Committee Chair will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
  • Part 2: Community questions and comments are permitted.
  • Part 3: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
  • Part 4: Motion is voted on by Commissioners.

Alcohol Policy Committee (APC) Report                                                           8:40 PM

Community Development Committee (CDC) Report                                     8:50 PM


Letter of Support for DC Pride Parade                                                  8:55 PM

  • Part 1: Committee Chair will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
  • Part 2: Community questions and comments are permitted.
  • Part 3: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
  • Part 4: Motion is voted on by Commissioners.

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